What is Xcelness ? Who are we?

Xcelness is a Community. A Brand. A Lifestyle.

Xcelness provides you the resources to thrive in a world of Universal and Circular Wellness

It represents a lifestyle that focuses on, and highlights, the interconnectedness of the 4 principles of holistic Wellness - Mental, Physical, Environmental, and Financial Wellness.Instead of a singular focus on just one aspect of our well-being, our NESS, Xcelness brings everything together.  Our mission is to not only help people thrive with their mind, body, spirit, and financial journey,  but also strive to positively impact our communities, and our planet.  We are not alone on our journey's.  There are businesses and organizations which embody the Xcelness Wellness lifestyle that provide their knowledge, products, and services.

What are the four interconnecting circles?

  • Mental


    Mindfulness, Social Connectedness, Emotional health, Meditation, Spirituality - Calmness.

  • Physical


    Fitness and Exercise, Nutrition -Eating and Diet, Sleep, the Air we breathe, and Water we drink - Healthiness

  • Environmental


    Climate Wellness focusing on clean energy, renewables, recycling, upcycling, and the built environment where we live, work, and play - Sustainableness

  • Financial


    Saving, Budgeting/Spending, Investing, and Donating. Personal financial well-being. Investing with a purpose - Sustainable and ESG investing - Impactfulness

Xcelness Definition

Xcelness - ex-cel (ek sel'); -ness (nis, nes)

As defined by Webster's Dictionary:

Excel(xcel) - to be better or greater 

Ness - a suffix that relates to the “state, quality, or instance of being”.   It's further inferred as the degree, extent, or state of condition. Xcelness has adapted this to mean one’s well-being. 

Xcelness - to be better and/or greater in our well-being.  To thrive and embody the positive aspects of universal and circular wellness.

“At the epicenter, bringing everything together, is Xcelness”

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